Family Resources | Week of July 7th

Family Resources | Week of July 7th

PRESCHOOL July 7th This month we’re celebrating Jesus because Jesus gives me joy! It’s the kind of joy that we can have no matter what. It is a joy that lasts forever! This week they see this when they learn about how the angels told the shepherds that Jesus was...
Family Resources | Week of July 7th

Family Resources | Week of June 30th

PRESCHOOL June 30th This month preschoolers are learning that a joyful heart is good medicine. This week they see this when they learn about Habakkuk. Habakkuk had joy even when his crops didn’t grow and he didn’t have any animals. He shows us that God will give us...
So you want to be a disciple? | June 30th

So you want to be a disciple? | June 30th

Series: Luke Sermon Title: So you want to be a disciple? Passage:  Luke 9:21-27 Reno Campus Pastor Tom Chism Carson Campus Pastor Dusty Braun Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Starting Point Carson Campus Movie Night Volunteer Movie Night  July 12...
Family Resources | Week of July 7th

Family Resources | Week of June 23rd

PRESCHOOL June 23rd This month preschoolers are learning that a joyful heart is good medicine. This week they see this when they learn about joy in the Psalms. We can look at the world and all of the amazing things God made and celebrate all that God has done. Lead...
So you want to be a disciple? | June 30th

Life’s Most Important Question | June 23rd

Series: Luke Sermon Title: Life’s Most Important Questions Passage:  Luke 9:7-9, 18-20 NIV Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Starting Point Foundations: Salvation and Baptism Class...


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