Who We Are

Our History

Our Beliefs

Our Pastor

Our Team

Our Mission

Love God.
Love Others.
Make a Difference.

At Lifechurch we desire to be a balanced healthy Christ centered church. We believe that life is really all about three things loving  God, loving others, and making a difference with our lives.

Here are five things you should know about us.

1. We want to major on the majors, and minor on the minors. At Lifechurch we have a bunch of people who come from different places,  backgrounds and personalities, that all come together united around one thing- seeking to live in the way of Jesus. We want to love him, know him, and make him known. We do have core convictions around historic Christianity, but choose unity in diversity on secondary issues and details that Christian’s have wrestled with for 2000 years.

2. We are passionately committed to reaching the next generation. We believe whoever wins the kids-is the winner. We want to partner with parents to disciple their children to love God with their whole hearts.

Our LCKids ministry, available during all service times on Sundays for children from birth through sixth grade, provides a safe, clean, and engaging environment for our youngest members to learn about God’s love. During the week, our KidsLife preschool, open Monday through Friday, and Life Christian academy  both are committed to Christ centered academic excellence.Additionally, we offer Basecamp, an after-school program that encourages learning through exciting activities and fellowship.
Our vibrant student ministry is tailored to the unique needs of our middle and high schoolers. We offer Christ centered programs that are engaging, supportive, and relevant, providing a space for mentorship, guidance, and community-building that encourages their growth in faith.

3. We love to be together and we love to have fun. God has adopted us into his family and made us family together. So we love to be together, whether worshiping together on a Sunday, hanging out at a coffee shop, being together weekly in a Lifegroup or going camping with other families, we want to be a community that loves each other well and has joy in living life together.

4. We want to unleash compassion on the least of these. Whether it is buying groceries for a family in our church, advocating for foster care and adoption locally, or providing clean water in Haiti, we want to do all we can to tangibly express Gods love to the hungry or hurting locally and around the world.

5. We will do anything short of sin to spread Gods love. Jesus went to extremes to reach people, from healing people and feeding people to ultimately dying for our sins. We want to be like those four friends who carried their friend accross  town  on a mat to meet Jesus-we want to be willing to go the extra mile to see people come to faith.

Our History


LifeChurch was born out of a vision and a calling to serve the community of Reno. Pastor Dave, after seven years serving as a youth pastor and starting a church in Western Colorado, felt God’s call to establish a church in Reno. He and his wife Clare, along with their three (now six) children, made the move in faith, and thus LifeChurch was established. Over the years, our church has grown, not just in numbers but in spirit and service. From our humble beginnings, we’ve expanded our ministries, introduced dynamic programs, and stayed committed to our mission of loving God, loving others, and making a difference. Our community, grounded in faith and fellowship, continues to expand, and in December 2023, we are excited to open a new campus in Carson City. The journey of LifeChurch is a testament to the grace and provision of God, His unfailing love, and His vision for our community.


Our Beliefs

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, and is the supreme source and standard of truth of Christian beliefs and living.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became man without relinquishing his position as God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the Virgin Mary. We believe He lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days, ascended to the right hand of God, and will return again one day to reign in glory forever.


God loves people and made people in His image. Even though every person has tremendous potential for good, all of us are marred by attitudes and actions of disobedience toward God which we call “sin”. This separates people from God and causes many problems in life. God loves and pursues mankind despite our disobedience. He offers forgiveness, healing, and abundant life to anyone who turns to Him.

The Church

We believe a New Testament church is a body of believers, baptized by immersion, associated for worship, service, and the spread of the Gospel to the whole world. The Lord Jesus Christ instituted two ordinances to be observed by the church: Baptism and Communion.


We believe God is the Creator and Ruler of all creation. There is one God, who has eternally existed in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three, the Godhead, are one in essence and nature.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and Jesus. He resides inside every Christian from the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He empowers us to follow Christ, helps us understand the Bible, and gifts us to serve God and others. As Christ-followers, we seek to continually yield ourselves to the influence and control of the Holy Spirit.


We believe salvation is God’s free gift to us, made available through Christ’s death in our place and resurrection from the dead. We cannot make up for our sin through self-improvement or works. Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation and no one is saved apart from a personal decision to turn from their sins and trust in Christ as their Savior.


We believe that God ordained marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman, as first instituted by God in the order of creation. Marriage has been given by God as an unchangeable foundation for human life. Marriage exists so that through it, humanity can honor God through properly ordered and faithful intimacy. The husband and wife relationship serves as a symbolic picture of Christ’s love for the Church.

Our Pastor


At the heart of LifeChurch is our Pastor Dave and his wife Clare. They have been an integral part of our community since they felt God’s call to move to Reno and start LifeChurch. Pastor Dave, a graduate of Criswell College and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, brings a wealth of wisdom and experience to his role. Sunday messages are filled with relatable insights that guide our spiritual journey.

Together with Clare, they share a profound dedication to our community, demonstrated not only through their leadership in the church but also in their everyday actions. Clare’s warm spirit and nurturing nature make her a cherished member of our community, her presence a beacon of love and kindness. The couple’s commitment extends to their family life as well, raising their six children – Lauren, Hannah, Rylee, Bradley, Teddy, and Michael – in the same values that define our church.

Away from the pulpit, you can often find Pastor Dave savoring a cup of coffee at Starbucks, taking in the beauty of Tahoe, or, most importantly, spending quality time with his family. His vision for LifeChurch is not just about reaching the people of Reno with God’s love, but also about cultivating a thriving community that supports and uplifts one another.

Their leadership, infused with love, wisdom, and a deep commitment to service, inspires us every day as we journey together in faith, reminding us of the transformative power of God’s love in our lives.

Executive Team

David Pretlove

Lead Pastor

Clare Pretlove

Executive Pastor of Family Ministries

Cindy Hans

Executive Assistant

Rob Hans

Connection Pastor

Scott Rhoda

Executive Pastor of Operations

Michael James Murphy

Executive Pastor of Ministries

Ministry Team

Dusty & Christie Braun

Carson Campus Pastors

Mia Carr

Business Administrator

Tom Chism

Senior Associate Pastor

Erika Forgette

Finance Assistant

Michelle Fraunfelder

Ministry Assistant

Lisa Hedaria

Finance Manager

Brian Howard

Director of Facility Management

Brett Long

Student Ministries Pastor

Lydia Long

Student Ministries Pastor

Elaina Marchegger

Worship Director

Emma Menesini

Women’s Ministries Director

Lauren Meyer

Elementary Ministries Director

Sarina Rodriguez

Next Gen Worship Director

Kristie Sump

Preschool Ministries Director

Nate Teel

Worship Leader

Jericho Toilolo

Teaching Pastor

Jason Valverde

Production Director

Richard Wenschlag

Men’s Ministries Director


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Young Adults

Men's & Women's


KidsLife Preschool


Life Christian Academy