Series: Good Vibes Sermon Title: Having Hope in a World of Despair Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Dusty Braun Series: Good Vibes Sermon Title: Having Hope in a World of Despair Good Vibes… Having Hope in a World of Despair We are living...
PRESCHOOL September 8th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when Jesus heals a man who couldn’t walk because Jesus loved him. ...
Series: Luke Sermon Title: No Reason Not To Pray Passage: Luke 11:1-13 NIV Reno Campus Pastor Tom Chism Carson Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Fall Kickoff Fall Kickoff Volunteer Carson Campus Fall Kickoff Fall Kickoff...
PRESCHOOL September 1st This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when they learn about how Jesus helps us see how amazing God is and each...
PRESCHOOL August 25th This month we are teaching our preschoolers that God made us wonderful. We’re cooking up a lot of fun to go with this foundational truth. This week they see this when they learn about how God loves those He made so much that He gave us a very...