Digging Deeper

Family Resources | Week of February 2

PRESCHOOL February 2nd This month, we get to tell preschoolers that Jesus loves them. Jesus loves their family. Jesus loves their friends. Jesus loves everyone! This week they see this when they learn about how Jesus chose His first disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the...

Made For This Wk 5 | Pastor Jericho Toilolo | February 2, 2025

Series: Made For This Sermon Title: Made For Rest and Renewal Passage: Genesis 2:1-3 Reno Campus Pastor Jericho Toilolo Carson Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus First Sunday - Young Adult Worship Experience Thrive Unleashed...

Family Resources | Week of January 26

PRESCHOOL January 26th This month, we are teaching our preschoolers about the best friend—the One who is always a good friend. This week they see this when they learn about Zacchaeus and how he was so happy to see Jesus that he climbed a tree to see Jesus. Jesus told...
Family Resources | Week of January 5

Family Resources | Week of January 5

PRESCHOOL   January 5th This month, we are teaching our preschoolers about the best friend—the One who is always a good friend. This week they see this when they learn about how Peter walked on water to see Jesus and then a storm came he was very afraid. Jesus...

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Hope for the New Year | December 29th

Hope for the New Year | December 29th

Series: Stand Alone Sermon Title: Hope for the New Year Passage: Psalm 42 Reno Campus Pastor Jericho Toilolo  Carson Campus Pastor Jericho Toilolo  Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Service times beginning 1/5/25 9AM and 10:30AM Carson Campus Service...

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Family Resources | Week of December 15

Family Resources | Week of December 15

PRESCHOOL December 15th This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God showed the world how much He loves us by giving us Jesus! This week they see this when they learn about how the shepherds run to see Jesus and then run to tell everyone about...

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Missing Christmas | Week 3 | December 15th

Missing Christmas | Week 3 | December 15th

Series: Missing Christmas Sermon Title: Missing Christmas Because We Choose Too Passage: Matthew 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-20 Reno Campus Pastor Jericho Toilolo  Carson Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Christmas Eve Services December...

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Missing Christmas | Week 2 | December 8th

Missing Christmas | Week 2 | December 8th

Series: Missing Christmas Sermon Title: Passage: Matthew 2:1-6, Matthew 2:9-12 Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Tom Chism Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Lincoln Brewster - 12/15/24 Christmas Eve Services December 22,23,24...

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Missing Christmas | Week 1 | December 1st

Missing Christmas | Week 1 | December 1st

Series: Missing Christmas Sermon Title: The Reality of What Christmas Means Can Seem Too Good to be True Passage: Luke 1:5-20; Luke 1:67-79  NIV Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor  Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Big Give Sunday...

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Family Resources | Week of December 1

Family Resources | Week of December 1

PRESCHOOL December 1st This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God showed the world how much He loves us by giving us Jesus! This week they see this when they learn about how God sent an angel to tell Mary she is going to have His son, Jesus....

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Family Resources | Week of November 17th

Family Resources | Week of November 17th

PRESCHOOL November 17th This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God is doing big things, so they can too! This week they see this when they learn about how Nehemiah did hard things and He did not give up. Sometimes God asks us to do hard things...

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Family Resources

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

PRESCHOOL October 27th This next month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God is doing big things, so they can too! This week they see this when they learn about how Nehemiah did the most powerful thing he could do when he was sad. Nehemiah prayed...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of October 20th

PRESCHOOL October 20th This next month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God is doing big things, so they can too! This week they see this when they learn about Nehemiah and how he was sad because of the city’s broken wall. God was there for...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of October 13th

PRESCHOOL October 13th This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that wherever they go, they can look to God with a trusting heart and know God is always with me. This week they see this when they learn about Hagar and Ishmael who had no home, food,...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of Octoberber 6th

PRESCHOOL October 6th This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that wherever they go, they can look to God with a trusting heart and know God is always with me. This week they see this when they learn about how God was with Daniel and protected him...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of September 29th

PRESCHOOL September  29th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when they learn about how Tabitha loved like Jesus by helping others in...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of September 22nd

PRESCHOOL September  22th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when they learn about how Phillip helped a man understand God’s word....

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of September 15th

PRESCHOOL September  15th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when Jesus gives a new command to His followers to love one another the...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of September 8th

PRESCHOOL September  8th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when Jesus heals a man who couldn’t walk because Jesus loved him.   ...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of September 1st

PRESCHOOL September  1st This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when they learn about how Jesus helps us see how amazing God is and each...

Family Resources | Week of October 27th

Family Resources | Week of August 25th

PRESCHOOL August 25th This month we are teaching our preschoolers that God made us wonderful. We’re cooking up a lot of fun to go with this foundational truth. This week they see this when they learn about how God loves those He made so much that He gave us a very...


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