Digging Deeper

Good Vibes | When Anxiety Comes… | September 15th

Series: Good Vibes Sermon Title: When Anxiety Comes... Passage: Philippians 4:5-9 Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Pastor Dave Pretlove Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Starting Point Carson Campus Starting Point   Series:...

Family Resources | Week of September 15th

PRESCHOOL September  15th This month, we’re talking to the preschoolers about how Jesus is the light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. This week they see this when Jesus gives a new command to His followers to love one another the...

Good Vibes | Having Hope in a World of Despair | September 8th

Series: Good Vibes Sermon Title: Having Hope in a World of Despair Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Dusty Braun Series: Good Vibes Sermon Title: Having Hope in a World of Despair Good Vibes... Having Hope in a World of Despair We are living...
Family Resources | Week of December 10th

Family Resources | Week of December 10th

PRESCHOOL This month preschoolers are learning that we know God loves us because He gave us Jesus. This week they see this when they learn about how Mary and Joseph traveled all the way to Bethlehem to have Jesus. Jesus was born in a manger while the angels...

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The Church that Changed the World

The Church that Changed the World

SERMON NOTES The Church that Changed the World Pastor Dave Pretlove 12/3/23Acts 13:1-3 NIV A God-ordained gathering of gifted people. Acts 13:1 NIV A beautiful unity in the midst of remarkable diversity. A culture of spiritual expectancy. A willingness to send their...

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Family Resources | Week of November 26th

Family Resources | Week of November 26th

PRESCHOOL This month preschoolers are learning that we know God loves us because He gave us Jesus. This week they see this when they learn about when God told Mary that she is going to have His son Jesus. He is the most wonderful part of Christmas! Lead Their Growth:...

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Communion: True Worship

Communion: True Worship

SERMON NOTES Communion; True Worship Pastor Tom Chism Key Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 - NIV What we are told to remember gives us life. 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 NIV What we are told to forget will set us free. Philippians 3:13-14 NIV The One we Worship establishes my...

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Family Resources | Week of November 26th

Family Resources | Week of November 26th

PRESCHOOL This month preschoolers are learning that I can thank God for everything. This week they see this when they learn about how David praised God with his own parade of thanks. We don’t have to wait for a certain time to thank God. We can thank Him all of the...

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God’s Grace in Our Shame / She Lives Here Too

God’s Grace in Our Shame / She Lives Here Too

SERMON NOTES SERMON NOTES - Reno God’s Grace in Our Shame Pastor Jericho Toilolo John 4:1-6, 7-9, 10-15  In our endless quest for satisfaction, Jesus alone satisfies. Jeremiah 2:13 Revelation 21:6 John 4:16-18 In our attempts to hide our sin, Jesus confronts, heals,...

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Family Resources | Week of November 19th

Family Resources | Week of November 19th

PRESCHOOL This month preschoolers are learning that I can thank God for everything. This week they see this when they learn about How God provided manna and quail to His people when they did not have any food. Moses and the people were very thankful for the food that...

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Uncharted Commitment | Uncharted | Week 5

Uncharted Commitment | Uncharted | Week 5

SERMON NOTES Uncharted Commitment | Uncharted | Week 5 Pastor Dave Pretlove Genesis 18:16-33  Abraham had grown from just caring for “me and mine” to “everyone everywhere”.  Genesis 18:10,16-25  Matthew 5:43-48  Acts 1:8  The promise had become Abraham’s purpose.  ...

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Family Resources | Week of November 12th

Family Resources | Week of November 12th

PRESCHOOL This month preschoolers are learning that I can thank God for everything. This week they see this when they learn about the friendship that David and Jonathan had. David and Jonathan had some tough times, but they always remained faithful to each other and...

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Family Resources

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