God’s Grace in Our Shame
Pastor Jericho Toilolo

John 4:1-6, 7-9, 10-15 

  1. In our endless quest for satisfaction, Jesus alone satisfies.
    • Jeremiah 2:13
    • Revelation 21:6
    • John 4:16-18
  2. In our attempts to hide our sin, Jesus confronts, heals, and forgives our sin
    • John 4:19-20, 21-24, 25-26
    • John 3:16-17
  3. We have a choice: walk in shame or walk in freedom.
    • John 4:27-30, 39-42
    • Romans 5:8
    • 1 John 1:9

She Lives Here Too
Pastor Dusty Braun

  1. Feeling rejected and isolated – Jesus brought acceptance
    • John 4:7-9
  2. On an endless quest for satisfaction – Jesus offered everlasting satisfaction
    • John 4:10-14
    • Isaiah 44:3
  3. Carrying regret and shame – Jesus came to heal her heart
    • John 4:15-19
  4. Having a mixed experience with religion – Jesus got past political and religious debates and revealed himself to her
    • John 4:20-26, 28-30


LifeGroup Leaders: Choose a few that would be best for your unique group!

  1. At the core of the human heart is the desire to be seen/known and to be loved. In what ways did Jesus meet this human desire when he sat with the woman at the well?
  2. In this passage, the woman asks Jesus to give her the living water so that she will not be thirsty. How does this request reflect a deeper desire for fulfillment and satisfaction in life?
  3. The hour the woman visits the well indicates that she is an outcast or lives in the margins of society. How does Jesus address her subjective guilt, regret, shame, isolation, and lifestyle? In what ways do we need to become more Jesus-like as we interact with people who are trapped by these same things?
  4. Jesus did not allow the stereotypes and cultural barriers to interfere or derail his intentional conversation with the woman. What are the stereotypes and cultural barriers that hinder your interactions with people to share the good news of Jesus?
  5. In this passage we see a play on words between wells and springs. Jacob’s well is a deep well. Jesus, in all love and compassion, dips into the deep well of this woman’s soul offering healing and restoration. What circumstances, experiences, or hurts of your life are hidden deep that would spring forth new healing and hope if you allowed Jesus to impact them?
  6. When the woman’s conversation with Jesus was concluded she was free and declared his goodness to the town. She was grateful, and her actions reflected it. Swiss Theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar “We need only to know who and what we really are to break into spontaneous praise and thanksgiving.” How has Jesus addressed these issues in your life that you can celebrate Jesus’ faithfulness and declare His goodness ? Maybe share and praise God as a group through prayer.


1 John 1:8-9   

1 Thess 5:16-18

Psalms 139:14

Philippinas 1:6


Podcast | Jesus over everything | Lisa Whittle

Podcast  | Restoring the Soul | Michael John Cusick

Book | Live No Lies | John Mark Comer

Jesus and the Outcast Woman at the Well


This week, try the spiritual practice of The Examen

Examen: The Examen provides a way of noticing where God shows up in our day. It is a practice that attends to what we might otherwise miss in the press of duties and busyness. This practice allows us to reflect on God’s activity in the beautiful and messy chapters of our day.

Take a few minutes at the conclusion of your day. Sit quietly and reflect, beginning in the morning and slowly working through your day until you arrive at the moment you are in. Ask yourself these questions. Taken from “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook” – Andele Calhoun

Ask these questions:
For what moment today am I most grateful?
For what moment today am I least grateful?
When did I give and receive the most love today?
When did I give and receive the least love today?
What was the most life-giving part of my day?
What was the most life-thwarting part of my day?
When today did I have the deepest sense of connection with God, others, and myself ? When today did I have the least sense of connection?
Where was I aware of living out of the fruit of the Spirit?
Where was there an absence of the fruit of the Spirit?
Reflect on where God was in the highs and lows of the day.


If you are anything like me, I feel like I am cascading toward the holiday season. During the next few weeks, many people look forward to times of heartwarming celebrations. However, some among us experience isolation, loneliness, and even vivid reliving of trauma experienced or done to us. The holidays are anything but exciting. This time of year can be a sliding scale of emotions. In the John 4:1-42 passage of the woman at the well, we zoom into her personal story, and we see a lifetime in the making. When we pick up the narrative we find Jesus sitting, engaging, and restoring a woman living with the shackles of a difficult life.  

The woman was surprised that Jesus knew her deeply – all the things she had done. In the encounter and presence with Jesus, she found freedom, restoration, self-worth, and love. Her deep, inner soul thirsted to be known and loved, to be seen and valued, and was fulfilled through her Jesus encounter. Her story of encountering Jesus led to an overflow of thankfulness, which she shared with her entire town.

This season, wherever you find yourself, know that Jesus sees you! He desires to sit with you as well, speak into your life, and engage you in your joy, or your pain. Let’s be grateful for that truth. The truth is that as we encounter Jesus, he brings freedom. Freedom from the past, freedom to walk into our future not defined by pain, suffering, or isolation but marked with an identity branded by his love and grace to give us strength for the days ahead. Praying Matthew 11:28-30 for you all.

Rob Hans | Connections and Discipleship Pastor


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