October 27th

This next month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God is doing big things, so they can too! This week they see this when they learn about how Nehemiah did the most powerful thing he could do when he was sad. Nehemiah prayed and God heard his prayers!

Lead Their Growth: Use bath crayons to draw sad faces with your child. Say: “Sometimes we feel sad because we have a boo-boo. But in Heaven, there will be no more boo-boos and no more sadness! In Heaven, Jesus will be our friend forever! Let’s erase the sad faces and draw happy faces, because Jesus gives us joy!”


October 27th

God is doing big things, so I can be bold by praying! 


Bible Story: Nehemiah 1:4-11 (Nehemiah fasts and prays for Jerusalem.) 

Main Point: God is doing big things, so I can be bold by praying! 

Key Verse: “With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of.”-  Ephesians  3:20 (ICB) 

Lead their Growth: Ask, “How can we pray for others?” If your child was in church this Sunday, they made a chicken to remind them to pray for the families who will receive the chickens we are sending to families in need around the world. Continually pray for those families and for all God is doing in our church through Uncharted with your child in the coming weeks.


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