October 6th

This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that wherever they go, they can look to God with a trusting heart and know God is always with me. This week they see this when they learn about how God was with Daniel and protected him when he was in the loin’s den. Daniel knew that God would protect him, so he did not need to be afraid.

Lead Their Growth: While on the go, look for animals. What would happen if you saw a lion? In the Bible, Daniel saw real lions, but before the lions could hurt Daniel, God sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths! God was always with Daniel, and God is always with us too!


October W1: God can work through unlikely people! 


Bible Story: Judges 4-5 (With the wisdom God gives Deborah, the courage of Barak, and the help of a woman named Jael, King Jabin’s army is defeated through unlikely people, and God wins the victory.)

Main Point: God can work through unlikely people! 

Key Verse: “Here is what I am commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.” —Joshua 1:9

Lead their Growth: Ask,How can God work through you?” Consider asking this question several different times as you go about your week, exploring how God can work through your family at school, at sports practice, at home, at church, and even as you run errands!