May 19th

This month preschoolers are learning that I can hear from God, pray to God, talk to others about God and live for God. This week they see this when they learn about Jeremiah. Jeremiah talked to others about God. He told them of God’s love for them and that He has plans for them.

Lead Their Growth: Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, You want everyone to know that You love them. Please give us the courage to talk about how much You love people to our friends, family, and anyone else who needs to hear about You. We love You, God.”



May W3: God forgives!

Bible Story:  1 John 1-2 (We might be tempted to hide our sins from God and others, but when we admit our sins to God, He eagerly forgives us and helps us to become more like Him.)

Main Point: God forgives!

Monthly Verse: “But God has surely listened. He has heard my prayer. Give praise to God. He has accepted my prayer. He has not held back his love from me.” —Psalm 66:19–20 

Lead their Growth: Ask, “Why is it important to admit our sins to God?” If your child was at church on Sunday, use their Confession Dough pack throughout the week. Have them use a toothpick to write or draw about a time they messed up on their playdough, pray and thank God for His forgiveness together, and then smash the dough to represent God taking away our sins.


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