March 16th
This month, we are teaching our preschoolers about Jesus and how Jesus can do anything! This week they see this when they learn about how Jesus sent men out to catch fish after they had already tried and failed. Before they knew what was happening, they were catching so many fish that their nets were breaking! Jesus showed them that he can do anything!
Lead Their Growth: When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say: “Good morning, [child’s name]! Pretend you’re a fish and I’m fishing. (Wrap your arms around your child.) Look! I caught a fish! Jesus really did help Peter catch fish. Peter caught so many fish his boat began to sink! Wow! Jesus can do anything!”
March 16th
Bible Story: Luke 10 (Jesus and His disciples enter the home of two sisters. Martha busies herself with all the things to be done while Mary does what’s most important—sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening.)
Main Point: Jesus invites us to listen!
Key Verse: “Come to me, all you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28
Lead their Growth: Ask your child, “What do you think Jesus wants to tell you?” In your prayers this week, take a few moments of silence to listen to God together as a family.