June 2nd
This month preschoolers are learning that a joyful heart is good medicine. This week they see this when they learn about the story of the lost sheep. Jesus tells this story to help us understand just how much God loves us and that His love never ends.
Lead Their Growth: While on the go, look for animals. Each time you find an animal, name it and make the animal’s sound. Talk about how Jesus told a story about a shepherd who lost an animal. It was a sheep. Jesus told this story to teach us that God loves us.
June W1: We can talk to God like a friend!
Bible Story: Exodus 33 (God speaks to Moses face to face like a friend.)
Main Point: We can talk to God like a friend!
Monthly Verse: “Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him.”- Phil. 4:6 NIRV
Lead their Growth: Ask, “What can you talk to God about?” Consider building a special fort to talk to God in together, and remind your child how Moses went to a special tent to talk to God and how we can talk to God anywhere!