June 9th

This month preschoolers are learning that a joyful heart is good medicine. This week they see this when they learn about the Feast of Booths. God’s people would come together and celebrate that all of their hard work resulted in the blessing of crops. God gives us work to do that we can celebrate too.

Lead Their Growth: Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, thank You for all of the ways You help [child’s name] and me. You help us by giving us the sun to keep us warm, rain to make food grow, people to love us…You help us in so many ways, and Your help gives us joy! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


June W2: God speaks to us!

Bible Story:  1 Samuel 3 (God calls to Samuel when he was just a boy) 

Main Point: God speaks to us!

Monthly Verse: “Don’t worry about anything.  No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him.”- Phil. 4:6 NIRV

Key Question: Ask, “How can you hear God?” Remind your child that it can take time to learn to hear God’s voice. Consider sharing how you feel God speaking to you with your child!