February 11th

This month preschoolers are learning that Jesus wants to be my friend forever. This week they see this when they learn about how Jesus formed His team of twelve disciples. Jesus chose to have the unexpected fishermen and tax collectors to be on His team and be His friends forever. Their job was to make sure everyone knew that Jesus wants to be their friend forever too.

Lead Their Growth: While on the go, play follow the leader— visiting a park, going to and from your car, around your yard, etc. Talk about how Jesus asked 12 people to follow Him, and they did! They became His friends, the disciples.



Feb W2 – Jesus wants us to hear and obey! 

Bible Story: Matthew 4 – The parable of the seeds and the soil 

Main Point: Jesus wants us to hear and obey!  

Monthly Verse: :‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And “Love your neighbor as yourself’.’—Luke 10:27 (NIV)

Lead their Growth: Ask, “How can you obey Jesus?” In LC Kids, kids planted seeds to take home. As you take care of your child’s plant throughout the week, have conversations about what plants need to grow and what people need to grow closer to God. (If you did not attend in person, consider planting some grass seeds in a cup at home!) 


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