1. The Church that Changed the World
    Pastor Dave Pretlove
    12/3/23Acts 13:1-3 NIV

    1. A God-ordained gathering of gifted people.
      • Acts 13:1 NIV
    2. A beautiful unity in the midst of remarkable diversity.
    3. A culture of spiritual expectancy.
    4. A willingness to send their best.
      • Acts 12:2 NIV


LifeGroup Leaders: Choose a few that would be best for your unique group!

  1. Have someone read Acts 13:1-3 in your group, what stands out to you in this passage as significant?
  2. Which of the spiritual practices we see in Acts 13:1-3 (worshipping, fasting, praying) is the easiest for you to do? Which is the hardest and why?
  3. Have you ever taken time to fast and pray before a major decision? Share how God used that moment in your life to affirm or deny the decision.
  4. How might you respond to God asking you to change the course direction of your life and serve Him in a new capacity?
  5. The early church had a culture of spiritual expectancy for God to move and do miraculous things in them, their families, and their cities. Do you live with an internal attitude of spiritual expectancy?
  6. Barnabas and Saul were being set apart to do something special. Have you ever been a part of starting something for God? If yes, how did you experience God in the process? If no, what might be holding you back?


Individual reflection

  1. In Acts 13:2 we read the people were fasting and worshiping. They were practicing and cultivating the presence of God in their lives together. Do you actively cultivate the knowledge of God, the character of Christ, and the presence of the Spirit in your life? What does that look like? Read John 16:5-15 to see Jesus’ desire for you as you think about this question
  2. We read throughout the scriptures but especially here in Acts 13:1-3, about the leaders of the early church living “open-handed” and set apart. They refused to lay claim or hold back from God and his purposes; possessions, people, or property even when it was difficult. Would you characterize your life as open-handed for God?  Additional scriptures of open-handed living: 1 Samuel 1:21-28, Luke 1:11-17, and Acts 2:42-45.




This month, try the spiritual practice of The Gratitude Journal

A Gratitude Journal

Take time this Thanksgiving holiday weekend to begin a gratitude journal. As you sit and reflect on the Graces God has given you. Whether people, places, experiences, or new freedom, list them out then write out next to them what it means to have a God who is present with you, interacts with you, or restores you through each of these good graces. Notice if there are any that you did not deserve? What do you want to say to God about these things? 

Discipline to incorporate throughout the week: End each day with a short prayer of thankfulness. Pick one thing or person where you saw God move and thank Him for what he did.


The holidays have arrived. If you are anything like my family we have specific routines for Christmas. In our house, the tree begins to be filled with lights and ribbons, gifts, and pretty bows. Our “Santa gifts” are unwrapped and appear with full stockings on Christmas morning. The hope and anticipation of Christmas builds all month.

What about your family? Do you do something different for special gifts? I believe there is something woven into our nature as people that love we receive or give special gifts, the anticipation, the excitement of receiving or giving. Really it is a way of expressing love and honor to those who receive them.

This week begins the season of Advent. Advent is a time when we remember the reason for Christmas and look forward with great anticipation to the Savior’s coming. The first week of Advent carries the theme of Hope. We look forward with hope to celebrating Jesus birth and the Hope of His coming again. This gift of Jesus provides an opportunity to receive the gift of salvation which restores people to a right relationship with God. With the same anticipation and excitement your children look forward to the gift of Christmas, I want to encourage you to cultivate an enthusiasm for the Hope of Christmas, the good gift of Jesus.

Rob Hans | Connections and Discipleship Pastor


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