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Series: Home For Christmas
Week 3: What We Long For
Pastor Dave Pretlove – Reno Campus
Pastor Tom Chism – Reno 10:00 Am Service
Pastor Dave Pretlove – Carson Campus
Luke 2:1-16 NIV

Luke 2:1-16 NIV

  1. Home for Christmas…  Is the essence of the Christmas story
    Luke 2:1-7
    Matthew 1:23
    On Christmas God came to make his home with us.
  2. Home for Christmas… Is what we all long for.
    Luke 2:8-11
    We all long to  be Known, loved, accepted, and for everything to be right in the world.
  3. Home for Christmas… Is an invitation.
    The greatest invitation we will ever receive.
    Luke 2:12-16
    John 14:23

Series: Home For Christmas
Week 3: Where the Glory is
Pastor Tom Chism – Reno Campus
December 24 10AM

Luke 2:8-18 NIV

  1. Our true home is in God’s glory.
    Isaiah. 40:3-5
  2. We don’t naturally fit in God’s glory.
    Romans 3:23
    Isaiah 48:9-11
  3. Home is for those who desire God’s glory.
    Matthew 5:6
    John 4:23
    John 17:1-5


  1. Share a memory from your childhood home where you felt known, accepted or loved.
  2. It says in Psalm 34:18 that “God is close to the brokenhearted.”  What does it mean to you that instead of staying in heaven, God chose to come to this earth and become Emmanuel “God with us?”
  3. Christ’s birth story and family of origin demonstrates God’s willingness to enter in to the brokeness of life to be with us. In what ways have you experienced God with you through the journey of life?
  4. Does it make it easier for you to share your faith with others when you understand the length God went to for you to be known Accepted and Loved?
  5. Before the ascension, Jesus tells his disciples in John 14:23 that He and the Father will make their home with them (the disciples) through the sending the Holy Spirit to them.  What does it mean to you that God chooses to make his dwelling place in you and that He is always with you?
  6. Christ birth provided opportunity for the cold and brokenness of the world to be made right. As you embrace the Love of God how have you moved from experiencing the brokenness of the world, to being known loved and accepted?




This month, try the spiritual practice of The Gratitude Journal

A Gratitude Journal

Take time this holiday week and begin a gratitude journal. As you sit and reflect on the Graces God has given you. Whether people, places, experiences, or new freedom, list them out then write out next to them what it means to have a God who is present with you, interacts with you, or restores you through each of these good graces. Notice if there are any that you did not deserve? What do you want to say to God about these things? 

Discipline to incorporate throughout the week: End each day with a short prayer of thankfulness. Pick one thing or person where you saw God move and thank Him for what he did.



For many of us, the word ‘home’ brings warm fuzzy feelings. It is a place where we can let our guard down, be silly, cry, and make memories with those we love, and it represents the ultimate rest and restoration after time spent away. There is no debating that as we get older, Christmas never quite feels the same as it did when we were kids. The magic, the excitement, the lights, the delicious food. For those of us with joyful childhood Christmas memories, we look back with joy and gladness and can’t wait to begin all the festivities.  You didn’t quite know how it was done, but when you woke up Christmas morning, all the “I”s had been dotted “T”s were crossed, everything was just perfect, and you received gifts you couldn’t wait to rip open. Or perhaps you feel the sting of longing to go back to that place where we were fully loved, fully cared for and had no care in the world. For those of us who have a very different experience of ‘home’ ‘Christmas’ and ‘family memories’, you have probably spent a great deal of time mourning these things that you never had and spent many nights wondering if and how you could change that for your and your family’s future. 

Maybe you aren’t going home for the holidays this year, or maybe it isn’t just this year. Maybe it’s been many years since you have experienced the joy of Christmas, whether it be family dysfunction, grief, long distance, work, etc. However, something about Christmas time makes us long for that feeling of home. If you find yourself this year missing that piece of Christmas hope and joy everyone else seems to be singing about, take heart. God sees your broken heart, Psalm 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” 

As we turn our attention to the reason for Christmas, Christ’s birth, we can remember all that God has done to be close to us. He loves us intimately and always has a place for you with Him, no matter what. We see in Luke 15 in the Parable of the Prodigal Son a child far away from home, longing to return. In verse 20 we see that his father saw him while he was still a long way off and ran to him, embracing him and welcoming him with a kiss. His son, feeling unworthy to be called a son, begged to be placed outside the home with the servants. His father, however, bestowed upon him the best robe, a ring, and shoes and prepared a great feast to celebrate his return (verse 23). It did not matter what the son had done, what he had been through, or WHY he came home. His father only cared that he had returned and could lavish his love on his son. 

No matter where you find yourself this Christmas season, even if you cannot be ‘home for the holidays’ for whatever reason, God always has a place for you to return. He has a home with the finest clothing, finest foods, and the most elaborate celebration prepared – just for you. We pray that you truly feel your feeling of home as you spend time with your heavenly Father this Christmas Season. 

Emma Menesini, Women’s Ministry Director

Celebrating Christmas with you!

Rob Hans | Adult Ministries Pastor