Series: Thy Kingdom Come
Sermon Title: Living in the In-Between
Passage: Luke 17:20-35, 37 (NIV)

Reno Campus
Pastor Jericho Toilolo

Carson Campus
Pastor Dave Pretlove

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Carson Campus
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Carson Worship & Prayer Night

Series: Thy Kingdom Come
Sermon Title: Living in the In-Between
Passage: Luke 17:20-35, 37 (NIV)


  1. The Kingdom Has Begun—Its Completion Will Be Unmistakable
    Luke 17:20-25
    John 3:3
    Matthew 5:3
    Revelation 1:7
  2. Right Now Is a Window of Opportunity
    Luke 17:26-35
    2 Peter 2:5
    2 Peter 3:8-12
    2 Corinthians 6:2
    Genesis 19:12-14
  3. Distractions Can Cause Us to Miss What Matters Most
    Luke 17:26-28, 32-33
    Matthew 10:39
    Luke 9:24
    John 12:25
    Philippians 3:7-8



How does Jesus’ Kingdom challenge the way I live today?

  • Discussion: Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is in your midst” (Luke 17:21). How do we live as if God’s kingdom is already here while waiting for its full completion?
  • Scripture: Matthew 6:33

What does waiting for Jesus’ return reveal about my faith?

  • Discussion: Do I anticipate Christ’s return with hope or with fear? How does my view of the Second Coming shape my daily decisions?
  • Scripture: Matthew 24:44

How can I align my mission with God’s Kingdom?

  • Discussion: What opportunities has God placed in my life to advance His Kingdom? Where do I need to be bolder in sharing my faith?
  • Scripture: John 20:21

What can I learn from Noah and Lot about urgency?

  • Discussion: Jesus compared the last days to the time of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-28). How does this comparison challenge me to live with urgency?
  • Scripture: Ephesians 5:16

What distractions are keeping me from God’s mission?

  • Discussion: Am I so focused on daily life (work, entertainment, comfort) that I forget my role in God’s Kingdom? How can I stay mission-minded?
  • Scripture: Luke 9:62

What does Jesus’ warning about being “taken” or “left” mean for me?

  • Discussion: Jesus warns that some will be taken and others left (Luke 17:34-35). How should this influence how I share the gospel?
  • Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9

What is my “Lot’s wife” moment?

  • Discussion: Jesus says, “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). What things am I holding onto that keep me from fully following Jesus?
  • Scripture: Matthew 16:25

How does my attachment to comfort and security affect my spiritual life?

  • Discussion: Am I more focused on building my own comfort than building God’s Kingdom? How can I loosen my grip on temporary things?
  • Scripture: Colossians 3:2

What does it mean to live fully surrendered to Christ’s return?

  • Discussion: How does the reality of Jesus’ return challenge me to live differently today? Where is God calling me to deeper surrender?
  • Scripture: Luke 12:35

Who in my life needs to hear the urgency of the gospel?

  • Discussion: If Jesus could return at any time, who do I need to share the gospel with? What step will I take this week?
  • Scripture: Romans 10:15



Day 1: Where is my heart focused?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:21
  • Reflection: Am I more focused on building my own life, or am I actively participating in God’s Kingdom right now?
  • Action Step: Identify one way to shift your focus toward God’s Kingdom today—whether through prayer, generosity, or sharing the gospel with someone.

Day 2: Am I living with urgency?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:26
  • Reflection: Am I living as if Jesus could return at any moment? Or am I delaying obedience to God’s call?
  • Action Step: Choose one area of your life where you need to act in faith instead of procrastinating. Take one bold step today.

Day 3: What distractions are pulling me away from God’s mission?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:28
  • Reflection: What consumes my time, energy, and thoughts more than God’s Kingdom?
  • Action Step: Fast from one unnecessary distraction today (social media, entertainment, etc.) and spend that time in prayer or reading Scripture.

Day 4: What am I holding onto that I need to let go of?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:32
  • Reflection: Are there things—possessions, relationships, sins, or fears—that I’m unwilling to surrender to God?
  • Action Step: Identify one thing you need to release, and physically act on it today (e.g., forgiving someone, giving something away, stepping into obedience).

Day 5: Am I making the most of this window of opportunity?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:33
  • Reflection: Am I playing it safe in my faith, or am I fully investing in God’s mission?
  • Action Step: Reach out to someone today—share encouragement, pray with them, or initiate a spiritual conversation.

Day 6: How does my life reflect my belief in Jesus’ return?

  • Scripture: Luke 17:34
  • Reflection: If Jesus returned today, would my life reflect faithfulness, or would I have regrets?
  • Action Step: Examine your daily priorities—adjust one habit today to align with Kingdom living (more prayer, scripture, serving, etc.).

Day 7: Who in my life needs to hear the good news?

  • Scripture: Romans 10:14
  • Reflection: Is there someone in my life who is far from Jesus, and am I willing to step out in faith to share with them?
  • Action Step: Pray for one specific person today and ask God to give you an opportunity to talk with them about faith.







One of the greatest challenges we face is distraction—losing sight of the mission Jesus has given us and losing connection with God in our daily lives. The activity and pressures of our days are constantly at war with the deeper communion God desires to have with us. The Prayer of Examen is a spiritual discipline that helps us push back against that distraction and develop a way of seeing—an awareness of God’s movement and presence throughout our day.

Jesus often spoke about having “eyes to see” (Matthew 13:16), and scripture reminds us that spiritual discernment is critical (1 Corinthians 12:10; 1 John 4:1). The Examen helps us sharpen that discernment—to recognize what is leading us closer to God and what is pulling us away. This prayer isn’t just about looking back; it’s about training our hearts and minds to stay aware of God’s presence in the moment.

The Exercise: 10-Minute Examen Practice

This week, take 10 minutes each day to walk through this exercise, preferably at the end of your day. You can do this in silence, in a journal, or in conversation with a trusted friend.

  • Be Still and Acknowledge God’s Presence 
  • Find a quiet place. Take a few deep breaths.
  • Remind yourself: God has been with you all day. Ask Him to help you see what you might have missed.
  • Look Back Over Your Day with Gratitude 
  • Where did you see God’s goodness today?
  • Did you experience a moment of joy, peace, or kindness?
  • Thank God for those moments, even the small ones.
  • Recognize the Distractions and Detours 
  • Where did you feel disconnected from God?
  • What moments felt heavy, frustrating, or anxious?
  • Ask: Did anything pull my focus away from Jesus today?
  • Be honest—there’s no guilt here, just an opportunity to realign.
  • Discern God’s Voice and Invitation 
  • Was there a moment where you sensed God leading you, but you missed it?
  • Did a conversation, a thought, or a conviction stir something deeper in you?
  • Ask God: What are You trying to teach me through this?
  • Look Forward to Tomorrow with Intentionality 
  • Ask: How can I stay more aware of God’s presence tomorrow?
  • Is there a distraction you need to surrender?
  • Is there a relationship that needs your attention?
  • Commit your next day to God, asking Him to give you clearer eyes to see Him at work.

Final Thought

The more we practice Examen, the more natural this kind of awareness becomes. Over time, we won’t just look back at the end of the day—we’ll begin to notice God in the moment. We’ll recognize when He’s moving, when He’s speaking, when He’s inviting us into something deeper.

This week, let’s not miss the moment miracles happening right in front of us. Let’s develop eyes that truly see.


For the next five days, practice the Examen before bed or in the evening. Write down one thing you were grateful for and one moment you felt distracted. At the end of the week, look back and see how God has been moving.

Would love to hear what you discover. CLICK HERE to let us know.


Distraction is more than just losing focus—it’s the subtle redirection of our hearts away from what truly matters. It’s not just about being busy; it’s about being preoccupied with the wrong things.

We live in a world designed to steal our attention. Tasks demand our time. Entertainment pulls at us. Algorithms are built to keep us scrolling, consuming, and numbing. And for so many, life feels disappointing or painful, so distraction becomes the escape. Instead of confronting what’s broken, we settle for avoiding it.

But Jesus gives us a sobering warning: Distraction can steal our kingdom opportunity.

In Luke 17:26-30, Jesus points back to the days of Noah and Lot. People were just living their lives—eating, drinking, working, planning weddings. Normal things. But they were too caught up in the day-to-day to recognize that God was moving. And when the moment of salvation came, they missed it.

How often do we do the same? How often do we miss what God is doing because we’re too consumed with lesser things?

Right now, we live in the tension of the in-between, between Jesus’ first coming and His return. And this isn’t a season of waiting; it’s a season of action. This is our time to reject distraction and embrace kingdom purpose.

Distraction isn’t just about our phones. It’s anything that dulls our awareness of what God is doing—anything that keeps us from living fully awake to His presence and purpose.

  • Busyness can make us numb to God’s voice.
  • Comfort can keep us from stepping into bold faith.
  • Pain and disappointment can lead us to escape rather than heal.

But Jesus doesn’t call us to passively wait for His return. He calls us to build, pray, and be present in His work right now. The kingdom isn’t just someday—it’s already here, and we are invited to step into it. God wants you to be active participants in his Kingdom now. 

Jesus’ teaching on His return isn’t meant to spark fear—it’s meant to wake us up. We don’t know when Jesus will return (Luke 17:30), but we do know this: We are closer now than we have ever been.

The time to live with kingdom focus is now.
The time to reject distraction is now.
The time to step fully into what God is calling you to is now.

Rob Hans | Spiritual Formation Pastor


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