From Chaos to Calm: Embracing the Light Yoke of Christ | November 24th
Sermon Title: From Chaos to Calm: Embracing the light yoke of Christ. Passage: Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) Reno Campus Pastor Jericho Toilolo Carson Campus Pastor Tom Chism, Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno Campus Starting Point Carson Campus Starting Point...
Family Resources | Week of November 17th
PRESCHOOL November 17th This month we want to make sure that our preschoolers know that God is doing big things, so they can too! This week they see this when they learn about how Nehemiah did hard things and He did not give up. Sometimes God asks us to do hard things...
BOLD, an Uncharted Journey | Week 5 | November 17th
Sermon Title: Bold commitment: A Bold life requires commitment and perseverance Passage: Nehemiah 4:1-3 NIV, Nehemiah 4:6-20, Galatians 6:9 NIV Reno Campus Pastor Dave Pretlove Carson Campus Pastor Dusty Braun Campus Announcements / Service Moments Reno...