Series: Living Free
Sermon Title: Free to be real
Passage: Luke 12:1-7
Reno Campus
Pastor Dave Pretlove
Carson Campus
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Reno Campus
Carson Campus
Series: Living Free
Sermon Title: Free to be real
Passage: Luke 12:1-7
Freedom to be the real me begins with…
- Realizing Faking Leads to Failure… Pretending is Ultimately Ineffective and Wildly Counterproductive.
Luke 12:1-3 - Living For an Audience of One… Focus Far More About What God Thinks and Far Less What People Think.
Luke 12:4-5 - Preaching the Gospel to Yourself Constantly… God Knows the Worst of Me, Thinks the Best of Me, and Paid the Most for Me.
Luke 12:6-7
1. Why do we pretend to be something we’re not, and what does it cost us?
- Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:1-3
Galatians 1:10
2. Why do we often believe that appearing “perfect” makes us more likable, when in reality, authenticity draws people in?
- Supporting Scripture:
2 Corinthians 12:9
James 5:16
3. What happens when we prioritize how others perceive us over what God sees in us?
- Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:1-3
Proverbs 29:25
4. What does it mean to “live for an audience of One”?
- Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:4-5
Colossians 3:23
5. How can we practically shift our focus from fearing people’s opinions to trusting God’s perspective?
- Supporting Scripture:
Romans 12:2
Matthew 6:1
6. Why do we give so much weight to the opinions of people who haven’t earned the right to influence our lives?
- Supporting Scripture:
1 Samuel 16:7
Psalm 139:1-4
7. How does knowing that God sees everything bring both comfort and accountability?
- Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:6-7
Hebrews 4:13
8. What does it mean to “preach the Gospel to yourself constantly”?
- Supporting Scripture:
Romans 8:1
Psalm 42:5
9. How does the Gospel free us to be real rather than pretend?
- Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:6-7
Ephesians 1:7
10. What is one practical step you can take this week to live more authentically?
- Supporting Scripture:
John 8:36
Galatians 5:1
In what areas of your life do you feel the pressure to pretend or project a version of yourself that isn’t fully real?
What are you afraid would happen if people saw the real you?
Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:1-3
2 Corinthians 12:9
- Action: This week, practice authenticity by sharing honestly with God and a trusted friend about an area where you’ve been pretending.
Whose opinion do you find yourself living for the most, and how does that impact your relationship with Jesus?
What would change if you truly lived for an audience of One?
Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:4-5
Galatians 1:10
- Action: Each morning, ask, “Lord, what do You say about me today?” and write down what comes to mind from Scripture.
How does knowing that God sees and knows everything about you—including your flaws—change the way you approach Him?
Do you approach God more as a loving Father or as a judge you need to impress?
Supporting Scripture:
Luke 12:6-7
Psalm 139:1-4
- Action: Take five minutes each day this week to sit in silence and remind yourself: “God knows the worst of me, thinks the best of me, and paid the most for me.”
When was the last time you preached the Gospel to yourself?
Do you find your identity more in your failures and successes, or in the truth of what Jesus has done for you?
Supporting Scripture:
Romans 8:1
Ephesians 1:7
- Action: Write down three Gospel truths (e.g., I am forgiven, I am loved, I am free) and speak them over yourself daily.
What is one area where fear of people’s opinions is holding you back from obeying Jesus fully?
What step would you take if you truly believed God’s opinion mattered more than anyone else’s?
Supporting Scripture:
John 12:43
Matthew 6:33
- Action: Identify one specific step of obedience (e.g., confessing sin, sharing your faith, stepping into a calling) and commit to acting on it this week.
Psalm 34:5
Proverbs 29:25
Zephaniah 3:17
John 8:32
BOOK | The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery | DAVID BENNER
Rule of Life – Week 2
This past week we explored the unwritten but powerful “rules” you have in place in your life regardless of intent or not. As these rules pertain to our spiritual lives and our formation, they are a regular rhythm in our lives that brings structure and order to our lives. These rules also make declarations about the things and people we love and how we operate. A Rule of Life is what enables you to say yes to the spiritual formation process in your life. Whatever rule you have in your life needs to honor your limits and declare your God-focused interests and desires.
The idea of Rule of Life stems from one of our ancient spiritual fathers, St. Benedict, dating back to the year 530. These were developed to help monks order a spiritually healthy life with a focus on prayer, study, and work.
At LifeChurch we use Acts 2:42-47 for a picture of who we want to be as a church, however, it also can serve as a rule of life. We see the daily life structure the early followers of Jesus built their new life upon. I want to encourage you to feel the freedom to experiment with a rule. They should work to bring structure to your routine and foster a deeper love for God. This is the key “why” for all of our disciplines. How does this move me closer or foster a deeper relationship with God? Any Rule for your life needs to move you toward a deeper relationship with Him. No two people will have the exact same Rule of Life, though they may share concepts primarily because we are all different people and require at our core different things to foster a deep, personal life with God.
Here are a few questions taken from Adel Calhoun’s book Spiritual Discipline to help you explore your current rules and begin to identify new ones:
What do you currently do to realize your goals and longings? Work? Study? Pray? Network? Socialize? Diet? Work out?
Which of these things hinder and help your spiritual journey?
What practices suit your daily, monthly, and yearly rhythms and cycles?
What limitations are built into your life at this moment?
What longings remain steady throughout?
What responsibilities and rhythms change with various seasons?
Below is a process to help you begin to craft up to 5 rules for your life. Last week we reflected on our current practices and rhythms. This week let’s begin to adjust and implement new rhythms. In order to do this we must craft a new Rule in new areas.
Week 2 practice
Crafting a Rule of Life
🔹 Invitation to Renewal (Romans 12:2)
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
A Rule of Life is not a rigid schedule but a framework to help you abide in Christ (John 15:4). Consider these areas:
- Communion with God (Presence over Productivity)
- Daily rhythms: Scripture, prayer, silence, gratitude
- Weekly rhythms: Sabbath, fasting, reflection
- Yearly rhythms: Retreats, spiritual renewal
- Relationships (Connection over Isolation)
- Who am I investing in? Who is speaking into my life?
- How can I cultivate deeper, Christ-centered friendships?
- Work & Calling (Meaning over Striving)
- How do I integrate my faith into my work?
- Am I working from rest or from exhaustion?
- Rest & Play (Joy over Busyness)
- What brings life to my soul?
- How can I engage in beauty, nature, and creative expression?
- Body & Soul Care (Sustainability over Burnout)
- Sleep, exercise, healthy food
- Digital boundaries: Where am I numbing instead of nourishing my soul?
Here is an example of a work rule of life to foster a deeper relationship with God and allow Him to be at the center of your work life.
- Morning Surrender: Before starting work, pray over your tasks and interactions, asking God to guide your words and actions (Proverbs 3:5-6).
- Midday Reset: At lunch or a break, pause to reflect on how you’ve honored God in your work and ask for renewed strength (Colossians 3:23).
- Pre-Decision Prayer: Before responding to emails, making a tough decision, or entering a meeting, take 30 seconds to ask for God’s wisdom (James 1:5).
- Evening Gratitude: As you finish the day, reflect on where you saw God move and thank Him (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Walking Out your New Rule – Living with Grace & Intention
🔹 Invitation to Endurance (Hebrews 12:1-2)
“Let us throw off everything that hinders and run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
- Start Small – Pick one area to shift and build from there.
- Accountability & Reflection – Share your journey with a mentor or trusted friend.
- Adjust & Listen – Your Rule of Life will evolve as seasons change. Be flexible.
- Celebrate & Worship – Take note of progress, no matter how small.
This is not about doing more—it’s about living more deeply in the presence of God. The goal is intimacy, not efficiency.
What’s one small change you can make today?
There’s a quiet kind of exhaustion that comes from trying to be someone we’re not. Maybe we don’t even realize we’re doing it at first—we just start adjusting, filtering, making sure we say the right things and present ourselves in a way that feels acceptable. But over time, that weight gets heavy. We end up spending so much energy managing how we’re perceived that we forget how to simply be.
Jesus speaks right into this in Luke 12. Surrounded by a crowd, He turns to His disciples and warns them about the danger of pretending—of living a life that looks good on the outside but is disconnected from what’s really true. Not because He wants to scare them, but because He wants them to be free. He knows that hiding, pretending, and performing will always lead to more fear, not less. And He invites them—and us—into something better.
The truth is, we fake it because we think it will make people love us more. But in reality, people aren’t drawn to perfection—they’re drawn to honesty. And more importantly, God never asked for some polished version of you. He wants the real thing. The real you. The moments of struggle, the doubts, the questions, the imperfect, unfiltered version. That’s who He loves.
But let’s be honest—fear gets in the way, doesn’t it? We worry about what people think, about whether we’ll be accepted if we’re truly seen. That’s why Jesus shifts our focus. “Don’t be afraid of those who can only harm the body… instead, remember the One who holds your whole life in His hands.” (Luke 12:4-5, paraphrased).
It’s a reminder that most people haven’t earned the right to define us—but God has. Most people only see bits and pieces of our story, but God sees the whole thing. He knows us completely, and He loves us deeply. And that kind of love? It sets us free.
Free to stop pretending.
Free to stop striving.
Free to live with honesty, knowing we are already fully accepted by the One who matters most.
So take a breath today. You don’t have to prove yourself. You don’t have to manage perception. You are already fully known, fully loved, and fully free in Jesus.