Series: Made For This
Sermon Title: Made to Reflect God’s Image
Passage: Genesis 1:26-27
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Pastor Dave Pretlove
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Series: Made For This
Sermon Title: Made to Reflect God’s Image
Passage: Genesis 1:26-27
This most foundational issue answers five massive questions:
- The Question of Value: Am I Valuable?
Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 139:13-14, - The Question of Purpose: Why Am I Here?
Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:18, - The Question of Timeline: Is This Life All There Is?
Ecclesiastes 3:11 - The Question of Others: How Should I Treat People?
Genesis 9:6 - The Question of Jesus: Why Did He Come?
2 Corinthians 3:18, Roman’s 8:29
- What does it mean to you personally to be created in the image of God?
- How does this truth impact your sense of worth?
- How can acknowledging God as our Creator shape the way we talk about or approach our self-worth?
- Supportive Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 139:13-14
- According to these verses, what do you see as humanity’s purpose?
- How can you express your God ordained purpose in your daily life?
- Jon Mark Comer says, “Purpose rooted in God can bear the weight of life’s trials.” How have you seen this to be true in your life or others’?
- Supportive Scripture: Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:18
- How does living for God’s glory give purpose to even the mundane aspects of life?
- Supportive Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31
- In what ways does knowing life extends beyond the grave influence the way you live today?
- Supportive Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:11, John 14:1-3
- Since God has eternal purpose and plans for you, how should we view our present struggles and achievements?
- Supportive Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
- How does the truth that every person is made in God’s image affect the way we interact with those who are different from us?
- What practical steps can we take to reflect this understanding in our daily relationships?
- Supportive Scripture: Genesis 9:6, Philippians 2:3-4
- How does the “Golden Rule” tie into the idea of the imago Dei and the dignity of every person?
- Supportive Scripture: Matthew 7:12
- How does Christ’s work in restoring us to the image of God change the way we live and approach challenges?
- What area of your life is God inviting you to reflect His image more clearly?
- Supportive Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:29
- What does it mean to me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:13-14)? How would my self-perception change if I fully embraced this truth in my daily life?
- Spend time journaling about moments when you’ve doubted your worth. How might seeing yourself through God’s eyes transform those moments?
- In what ways do I reflect God’s image in my relationships, work, and personal growth (Genesis 1:26-28)?
- Are there areas in my life where I’ve struggled to find purpose, and how might God be calling me to realign with His design?
Reflect on how serving others, stewarding creation, or loving deeply fulfills your purpose as an image-bearer. - How does knowing I am an eternal being, created with a divine purpose, affect the way I approach my ambitions, struggles, and priorities (Ecclesiastes 3:11)?
- Contemplate how an eternal perspective reshapes your goals and decisions.
- How is Jesus restoring me to the image of God (Romans 8:29)?
- In what ways can I partner with Him to reflect His character more fully in the way I live, love, and lead?”
- Ask God to reveal areas where His Spirit is working in you and consider how you can embrace His transformative process.
Spiritual Discipline Practice: Longing For More
Have you ever felt a deep, aching sense that you were made for something greater? That the life you are living, no matter how full or busy, still leaves you wanting—thirsty at the very core of your being? This longing is a recognition that God designed your relationship with Him to be far richer, deeper, and more fulfilling than it is today.
In John 6, Jesus declares that He is the bread of life and that whoever eats and drinks of Him will no longer hunger or thirst. He also proclaims in John 10:10 that He came so we may have life and have it to the full. Yet, how often do we find ourselves empty and hungry, longing for more?
This longing is not just a sign of dissatisfaction with life; it is a holy stirring—a gift from God that points us back to Him. It is the tension of living in the “already” and “not yet” of God’s Kingdom, where the fullness of Jesus is available, yet we are still distracted by lesser desires. These distractions pull us toward things, people, or experiences that can never truly satisfy. Recognizing this misalignment is the first step in longing for more of Jesus.
When we allow ourselves to sit in this longing, it becomes a doorway to spiritual growth and intimacy. It takes us back to the garden, where Adam and Eve experienced complete fullness in their relationship with God before sin fractured that connection. This longing for more is a tangible sign that God’s Spirit is at work within you, calling your soul toward deeper transformation. He is whispering His invitation to come closer, to experience more of Him and less of the things that leave you empty.
This month, we will journey together in self-awareness, identifying areas where we long for more of God but have settled for unhealthy substitutes. Trust that God longs to give you the fullness of Himself and desires a close, intimate relationship with you.
Weekly Practice: Imaginative Invitation
This week, engage in a prayerful exercise that invites you to meet Jesus in a deeply personal way.
- Prepare Your Heart and Mind
- Take a few moments to disconnect from the demands of your day.
- Find a quiet place where you can focus without interruption.
- Breathe deeply, inviting God’s presence into the moment.
- Enter the Story
- Read Mark 10:46-52, the story of Bartimaeus.
- Imagine yourself as Bartimaeus in the story. Close your eyes and picture the scene:
- Is it sunny or cloudy?
- What sounds do you hear outside the city?
- Where are you standing or sitting?
- Reflect on your needs. What areas in your life feel empty or broken? What do you need Jesus to address?
- Cry Out to Jesus
- In your imagination, call out to Jesus as Bartimaeus did. Be honest about your needs and desires.
- What emotions arise as you call to Him?
- Listen to His Response
- Take a moment to be still. What does Jesus say to you? Can you hear His voice?
- Pay attention to His words, His tone, or even the way He looks at you.
- Respond in Prayer
- Thank Jesus for meeting you in your need. Ask Him to guide you as you step deeper into a longing for more of Him.
As people made in the image of God, we are hardwired for purpose and identity—it flows naturally from who we are. Your identity shapes how you interact with others, your family, and even yourself. Yet, because sin has fractured our relationship with God, we all struggle with getting it right. From the very beginning, as seen in the Genesis narrative, humanity has misused identity, assuming too much authority, which leads to the abuse of others and self. This misuse ushers in shame, anger, and confusion, leaving us as fractured beings until God heals the brokenness caused by sin.
As we begin this new series, Made For This, God wants you to know at your core that you are made on purpose and with purpose. You are created in His image, and the confusion you may feel was never part of His design. It is a result of the brokenness in this world. But God has a plan to restore you through Jesus.
Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Scripture tells us that through Him, everything was created, including you. In Jesus, all things hold together (Colossians 1:15-17). Think about that—things don’t need to be held together unless they’re broken. Our identities have been fractured by sin, but Jesus offers to hold us together, to restore the wholeness we were meant to have.
When we understand our identity and image in Jesus, we begin to grasp our purpose. God’s desire for you is to experience wholeness in Him, leading to greater purpose and fulfillment than anything we can achieve on our own. Through Jesus, we find the clarity and restoration we were always meant to have.
Rob Hans | Spiritual Formation and Connections Pastor