Sermon Title: Bold Generosity

Reno Campus
Pastor Dave Pretlove

Carson Campus
Pastor Dusty Braun

Campus Announcements / Service Moments

Reno Campus
Starting Point

Carson Campus
Starting Point


Sermon Title: Bold Faith, Bold Action
Passage: Nehemiah

  1. The story of Nehemiah is much less about a wall and much more about a spiritual renewal. 

    Nehemiah 8:1-3
    Nehemiah 8:5-6
    Nehemiah 8:8-10  
    Nehemiah 9:1-3Definition: Spiritual Renewal  – A fresh experience of Gods presence or activity in an individual or group.
    Nehemiah‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ NIV
    Nehemiah‬ ‭8‬:‭‭5‬-‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  2. A fresh understanding of generosity positions us to experience spiritual renewal.
    Nehemiah 5:9-12
    Nehemiah 5:17-18
    John 3:16
    Roman’s 8:32 
  3. Experiencing spiritual renewal positions us to have a fresh understanding of generosity. 
    Nehemiah 10:35-37
    Acts 2:36-41
    Acts 2:44-45
    Acts 4:31-36




  • How has the phrase, “put your money where your mouth is,” played itself out in your life?
  • A bold life requires bold generosity. What is intimidating about this to you personally?
  • The story of Nehemiah is not about a wall so much as it is about a spiritual renewal.
    Do you feel you are in need of spiritual renewal in your life right now? What do you
    believe it will take in order for spiritual renewal to take place?
  • The boldness of the early believers in Acts literally caused the Holy Spirit to shake
    the ground and then a generosity story happened. When in your life have you seen
    such bold, radical generosity that it caused people to see the heart of Jesus in a new
  • What acts of bold, radical generosity do you feel God calling you into during this
    Uncharted season?
  • How can your group be praying for you in this next season ahead, to pray against
    the attacks and distractions of the enemy as you take bold steps of faith and bold
    steps of generosity to advance God’s mission?


  • What does “spiritual renewal” look like for you personally right now?
    As Nehemiah’s story shows, renewal begins with a fresh encounter with God’s Word. Where might God be inviting you into a deeper awareness of His presence in this season of your life? 
  • In what ways has your understanding of generosity deepened or changed over time?
    Nehemiah 5 shows how a renewed heart leads to generous living. How has experiencing God’s grace and provision changed how you think about giving to others—be it time, resources, or compassion? 
  • Reflect on a time when you felt a renewed sense of God’s presence.
    What circumstances led to that experience, and how did it shift your perspective or actions? How might you cultivate an openness to such renewal again, even in the midst of everyday life? 
  • How does the example of the early church in Acts 2 challenge or inspire you?
    The early believers’ radical generosity came from a place of renewed hearts. What is one step you could take this week to share with others out of what God has given you? 
  • What obstacles might be keeping you from experiencing renewal right now?
    Nehemiah’s community needed to confess and align with God’s ways. Is there something in your life that you sense God asking you to let go of or address in order to receive a fresh touch of His Spirit? 
  • How does remembering God’s generosity through Jesus shape your outlook on giving?
    As Romans 8:32 reminds us, God gave us His very best. In what specific ways can you reflect that same heart of generosity, knowing that it positions you to experience even more of God’s renewal?








Practicing simplicity is really about letting go. Letting go of comforts, devices, activities, and other things that scream for our time, energy, or resources, It can be alarming to realize how dependent we have become on things as we begin to cut back on them. Growing deeper in connection and union with God should grow our sensitivity of God’s desire for us to be completely dependent on him alone. The deeper our union, the deeper our understanding of provision and dependence with God himself. 

Simplicity Practice for the week:
Gadget Evaluation – Make a catalog of all the gadgets you have in your home, from the dishwasher to the lawnmower. Write out the answer to the following questions:
Which gadgets have made you freer or life more simple?
Which could you share with others to improve their life?
Which could you get rid of and not really miss?

Declutter and Give Away
Set aside a specific day this month to go through your belongings—clothes, books, or household items—and give away at least a few things that you don’t need or use. Ask God to reveal anything you might be holding onto out of attachment or distraction rather than necessity. By releasing these items, you create space in your life for what matters most and free yourself from unnecessary attachment to material possessions.



This past week I was able to spend 3 days with some pastors from Costa Rica that daily live out sacrificial giving and generous living. Living day in and day out boldness with a heart of expectation for God to deliver and show up to meet tangible needs is their life.
Erika has converted her home, which looks much like an abandoned garage, into a shelter and food distribution center that also houses pregnancy classes in the evenings. Jose, prayed for 2 years for a pastor to show up and lead the church of 10 people he and his family attend. After 2 years, he began to lead out a mission of feeding hungry children out of their own pocket. This began to grow the church and thrust him into pastoring. He now has multiple feeding centers handling hundreds of children and adults in multiple locations. Both of these leaders are seeing renewal in people’s lives as they live out sacrificial generosity of giving out of what they have. They would both tell you that there is not a surplus of resources, but God always provides the resources needed.
Their communities are experiencing spiritual renewal and growth due to their obedience to live a life generously pouring out for others.


Rob Hans | Spiritual Formation and Connections Pastor