Series: Gospel of Luke
Sermon Title: A Well Built Life
Passage: Luke 6:46-49
Reno Campus
Pastor Jericho Toilolo
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Pastor Dave Pretlove

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Series: Gospel of Luke
Sermon Title: A Well Built Life
Passage: Luke 6:46-49

A Well Built Life…

  1. Places a premium on obedience over amassing biblical knowledge
  2. Recognizes the risk of learning without changing
    It may breed spiritual arrogance
    1 Corinthians 8:1
    It risks self-deception
    James 1:22
    It heightens our accountability before God
    James 4:17
    Rom 1:21-23 
  3. Engages in intentional reflection
    Am i growing in obedience at the same rate as I am growing in knowledge?
    How is God inviting me to change based on what I am hearing and reading?
    What practical steps can I take to live this out?
    How is this passage leading me to love God more?
    John 14:15


  1. According to Jesus’ question in Luke 6:46, what is the ‘acid test’ of who can call Him, ‘Lord, Lord’? 
  2. Do you prefer to learn about Jesus or Obey Jesus’ teachings? 
  3. What fuels your desire to be obedient?
  4. Why do you think Jesus makes such a big deal about doing what he says and not just hearing?
  5. The metaphor of the Christian life as the building of a house is interesting because no mention is made of what the house looks like— above ground anyway. So, why the emphasis on the foundation, if the world only sees what is ‘above ground?
  6. When have you felt the Holy Spirit prompting you to do something and you ignored Him?
  7. How does knowledge of the truth of who God is create more accountability to Him?
  8. Read 1 Corinthians 8:1. In this passage, what is the correlation between knowledge are arrogance?
  9. Read James 1:22-25. How do the words of Jesus work against the idea of self-deception by forgetting who we reflect?
  10. How can more knowledge of God create pride and arrogance?  How do you alleviate those feelings?
  11. As you have been following Christ, what things have you heard or read that confronted your thoughts or actions and caused you to change your behavior?



  1. When have you been living a life of disobedience to God and then called out to Him in your suffering?
  2. Read ‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬. James describes faith and actions working together. How does your life match what James is talking about? 
  3. When have you felt guilty because your obedience has not been keeping up with your knowledge?
  4. Pastor Jericho shared some practical steps to begin to put information into action leading to transformation. Which of the steps resonates with you the most? Develop a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Based) goal to implement this step into your life.







What is the point of Journaling? Why take the time and write down our thoughts? For some, it is to process, for some to express their emotions, and for others, it can be creative through drawing pictures. At the core of Journaling is the desire to slow down alert yourself and reflect on the presence and work of God in the day, week, or month. Journaling is a tool. This tool forces us in a rapid world to focus and be present with our inner thoughts and express them in a safe way. 

Many of us live our life on autopilot running full speed from one thing to another. How do you process where God has worked and moved, or what He is doing in the moment in your life? Let’s detach from the hectic for a moment and be present with the incredible gift of God’s presence. 

This month as we begin to explore this discipline, I want to start with this scripture,  Psalm 25:1 – Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.  Sit down with a scratch piece of paper. Read this scripture and write out your thoughts for 3-5 minutes. Express any and all thoughts that come to mind. 



As I sit to write out some thoughts about this passage, I can think of many seasons in my life where the storms of life showed up, and my foundation being rooted to Christ is what allowed me to not only survive the storm but begin to thrive as it passed. The interesting truth is this. I had all the head knowledge of Christian school and university yet it was the storm that forced me to put into practice the information I had learned. It’s the transition from information to experience. We all go through it in various ways. However, Jesus is clear that he does not want his followers to remain with information alone. He expects us to move from knowledge to practice.

In Greek, there are two words for know. There is the academic knowing (Gnosis) and the deep relational almost experiential knowing (GINOSKO). The idea of GINOSKO is that it is not only academic but a deep personal knowing that comes from living out the understanding.Noah knew God could rescue, but it was not until he experienced the obedience of the Ark that we truly understood God as a rescuer. Abraham knew academically that God could provide, but it was not until he was obedient to Isaac that he understood the depths of God’s provision. Through their obedience, they moved a basic knowledge of God to a deep personal understanding and strong faith.

Take a few minutes this week and reflect on areas of your faith that have remained academic. Invite the Holy Spirit to highlight an area that needs to be put into practice. In doing this, you begin the journey to not only work out your faith but solidify that area as complete.Rob Hans |  Pastor of Adult Discipleship and Connection

Rob Hans |  Pastor of Adult Discipleship and Connection


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