This month preschoolers are learning that we know God loves us because He gave us Jesus. This week they see this when they learn about when God told Mary that she is going to have His son Jesus. He is the most wonderful part of Christmas!

Lead Their Growth: While on the go, take turns telling each other happy news. It can be anything happy! Talk about how God sent an angel to tell Mary some VERY happy news. The angel told Mary she was going to have God’s Son, Jesus!


Bible Story: Genesis 13-17 (Abraham is a part of Jesus’ family tree!)   

Main Point: God keeps His promises! 

Monthly Verse: The Lord Himself will give you a sign. The virgin is going to have a baby. She will give birth to a Son. And he will be called Immanuel.” -Isaiah 7:14 (NIrV) 

Lead their Growth: Ask your child, “What are some things that God has promised us?” Consider going to this link for a list of some things that God has promised with verse references you can check out to go with them: