Communion; True Worship

Pastor Tom Chism

Key Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 – NIV

  1. What we are told to remember gives us life.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 NIV
  1. What we are told to forget will set us free.
  • Philippians 3:13-14 NIV
  1. The One we Worship establishes my true self.
  • 1 John 4:9-10 NIV
  • Revelation 4:8, 11, 5:9, 19:6-7 NIV
  • Matthew 26:26, 27-29 NIV


LifeGroup Leaders: Choose a few that would be best for your unique group!

  1. What stood out to you the most from Pastor Tom’s message and what was impactful? 
  2. Reflecting on the glory of God inevitably leads to worship.  How would you define “glory?” What about God’s glory leads you to worship?
  3. Jesus uses a strong language to express the public reason we remember Him through communion — to PROCLAIM His death until He comes. Paul say’s it’s a time to examine ourselves to avoid unnecessary judgment. In light of that, what exactly are you ‘proclaiming’ to yourself, to others when you partake of communion? Do you hear your proclamation every time?   Is the declaration effective?
  4. Speaking of our ‘true self’, Pastor Dave recently said our identities are really divided into 3 parts, or compartments —  our public, private and secret lives, are all wrapped up in one person. Worship brings those into focus and communion ‘corrals’ them so we can periodically examine each of our ‘lives’ and invite the Holy Spirit’s review. What area of your life needs to be examined most often so you can enter into worship? 
  5. What is something from your past that is blurring your identity in Christ?
  6. In 2 Cor 5:17, Paul states that if anyone is in Christ he is a “new creation.”  Why is it important that you’re not just a better version of yourself, but an entirely new creation?
  7. How does the truth, that you are a new creation, impact your understanding of the command of Jesus to “worship” through “remembering”?



Book | A.W. Tozer | Whatever Happened to Worship

Podcast | John Mark Comer | Discovering your Identity and Calling

Book | Henri Nouwen | Here and Now


This week, try the spiritual practice of The Gratitude Journal

A Gratitude Journal

Take time this Thanksgiving holiday weekend to begin a gratitude journal. As you sit and reflect on the Graces God has given you. Whether people, places, experiences, or new freedom, list them out then write out next to them what it means to have a God who is present with you, interacts with you, or restores you through each of these good graces. Notice if there are any that you did not deserve? What do you want to say to God about these things? 

Discipline to incorporate throughout the week: End each day with a short prayer of thankfulness. Pick one thing or person where you saw God move and thank Him for what he did.


Thanksgiving has come on gone, but that does not mean we are to move away from a posture of thanksgiving. Over the past few days families have gathered, decorations have been set out, and hours dedicated to a feast oftentimes at the expense of reflecting on the true things of our life that we need to be thankful for. The busyness of the holiday muddies the opportunity the break in our mundane provides. It’s the feeling of thankfulness, an acknowledgment of the good things we have, and a recognition of the kindness and support we receive from God and others. 

Meditating on things to be thankful for is good for our souls, it shifts our hearts’ attention from our needs to God’s provision, and it can cause us to celebrate or carry us through challenging seasons. The Roman philosopher, Cicero, wrote, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” A spirit of thankfulness can make a difference in every area of your life. In the book of Philippians, we are encouraged to rejoice and pray with the heart of thanksgiving, and God’s peace will be with us and guard our hearts and minds. My prayer for you this week, is that your heart will be filled with thankfulness as the busyness returns, not only because of people, or circumstances but because we, as Christ’s followers have a God who cares for us is present with us, and promises his peace.

Rob Hans | Connections and Discipleship Pastor


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