Sermon Notes

Why Are You So Afraid? | Questions Jesus Asked | Week 6
Pastor Dave Pretlove
Mark 4:35-41

  1. We are so afraid because life is unpredictable and uncontrollable.
    • Matthew 8:23
  2. We are so afraid because we think God doesn’t know about or care about what we’re going through.
    • Mark 4:35-38
  3. We are so afraid because we think death is the worst thing that can happen to us.
    • Mark 4:38
  4. We are so afraid because we make our circumstances bigger than our God.
    • Mark 4:39-41; Luke 8:25


Reflection Questions

  1. There is something powerful and helpful in simply naming our fears or struggles. Spend a few minutes writing down or telling the Lord your current fears or what is causing anxious feelings within you. Try to find the root fear, name it, and prayerfully hand it to Jesus.
  2. Read John 14:25-27 and reflect on the peace that God gives us. How does God give us peace? How do we access that peace in moments of stress or fear?
  3. Who is someone in your life experiencing fear? Take a moment to pray for them and ask the Lord to guide you on how you can share God’s peace with them.
  4. What is one way you will allow your faith to be big and your fears to be small?


Scripture To Meditate On

“These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
John 14:25-27 ESV


Article/Audio | “Benevolent Detachment” by John Eldredge 
“To make room for God to fill the vessel of our soul, we have to begin moving out some of the unnecessary clutter that continually accumulates there like the junk drawer in your kitchen.”Video | Talking Faith With John Mark Comer: Faith Not Fear
“Learning to parent more out of faith than out of fear.”

Spiritual Practice To Try

This week, explore the spiritual practice of prayer, specifically breath prayer. This is an ancient, monastic tradition in which you use prayer to slow your breathing and meditate on scripture with deep breaths. Many use what’s called “the Jesus prayer” for their breath prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” As you breathe in, you would pray, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God” and as you breathe out, you would pray, “have mercy on me, a sinner.”

You can take any verse or Scripture you want to meditate or memorize and adapt it to a breath prayer. This week you could pray our John 14 Scripture to meditate on – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Remember that breath prayers can help you connect back to the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit in moments of fear or anxious thoughts.

Something To Think About

In Matthew’s account of this week’s story, we read in chapter 8 verse 23 and 24 that a storm “suddenly” comes up on the lake. His disciples knew a lot about fishing and local storms. I imagine they got in the boat and followed Jesus with no concern about an incoming storm or dangerous situation. It sounds like the storm arose with no warning or expectation.

They may have made all the right plans, followed all the rules, and yet they still found themself in a storm. I think we often put so much weight on our circumstances. We forget we still live in a world broken and corrupted by sin. We live in a war zone, where evil has some impact and consequences.

This week, as we contemplate fear and allow Jesus to ask us, “Why are you so afraid?”, I believe it’s important that we remember our situations and circumstances don’t reflect our faith or closeness with God. Once we choose to follow Jesus, nothing separates us from the love of God (Romans 8:39). Yes, there are consequences for our decisions, and yet God wants to be with you and will work through any circumstance to give you his presence and his peace. Lift your head and seek him in every storm.

Lydia Long


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